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Recorded: March 2022 Roadmap: Strategic Advisor/Business Leader Speakers: Vicky Nunes, Sr. Director of People Experience, Simpplr  Brian Brannon, Director of Communications, Simpplr In a thought provoking session, Vicky Nunes and Brian Brannon take a look at why the best employee experience teams build trust through action-driven communications, accountability of action, and how you can follow suit using an EX trust communications cycle. Specifically, they’ll answer the questions of how EX and IC should rethink employee communications and initiatives, how to retain engagement in communications, and how to build trust-building employee communication cycles. Three Session Takeaways: ● Why tying employee experience action to internal communication matters ● How to plan an initiative-based employee communication cycle ● A new perspective on what it means to develop a trust with employees and why it matters Read more

Recorded: March 2022 Roadmap: Strategic Advisor/Business Leader Speakers: Siobhan Hammond, Change & Internal Communication Subject Matter Expert, Gallagher Employee Experience & Communication Amanda Sheps, Principal Consultant, Gallagher Employee Experience & Communication    Endorsed by the IABC, the annual State of the Sector report is the definitive global survey of the internal communication profession brought to you by Gallagher’s Employee Experience and Communication team. In this webinar, Siobhan Hammond and Amanda Sheps will explore some of the key themes covered in the 2021/22 report, which is informed by 1,300+ responses from communication and HR professionals around the world. Read more

Recorded: February 2022 Career Roadmap: Generalist/Specialist Presented by: Kristen Dyck, Personal Branding Strategist & Founder, AVRO Creative  Kristen Dyck will walk you through the steps to building a strategic network and share lots of tips and tricks along the way. No more confusion, no more wasted time and energy trying to figure out the platform. This is actionable information you can use immediately. You’re going to leave feeling confident and knowing a LOT more about LinkedIn. Read more

Recorded: February 2022 Roadmap: Generalist/Specialist Speaker: Ravi Rajani, Founder, Ravi Rajani Coaching and Consulting Today, 45% of businesses fail within their first 5 years. Whether you’re trying to win new business, attract high quality partnerships or land investment for your idea, how you present your message matters to the lifeblood of your mission. In order to stand out and rise above the noise, you need to learn how to infuse storytelling into your presentations to make them memorable and impactful for your prospect's who have a million dollar problem they need to solve. By the end of your time with Ravi, you will unlock the 5 influential stories every sales presentation needs to connect and convert.   Read more

Speakers: Monique Zytnik, Senior Communication Advisor, Open Communication and Andreas Ringsted, Chief Digital Officer, Open Communication New technology is exciting, but are we losing sight of the human aspect of what we’re trying to achieve? Through global and regional case studies, Monique and Andreas will show you how immersive communication supports a rich employee experience for the disperse workforce. We’ll also step away from the technology (such as a 3D desktop or virtual reality) and bring it back to fundamental theories and goals, setting the standards for the new hybrid work environment. Let’s take your internal communications to the next level!  During this session we’ll cover:   When is it a good idea? Immersive experience use cases and how to get started  Keeping those human qualities at the centre of the experience  Tangible case studies of projects we have worked on Essential ingredients to a successful internal communication focused virtual reality project  Key learnings   Read more

Recorded: September 2021 Career Roadmap: Strategic Adviser, Business Leader The mark of a true leader is someone who is determined to help future leaders get to where they need to be faster. They provide clarity and space for their team members to thrive – not just sometime down the road, but NOW. This workshop is ideal for leaders or managers who are working with future leaders. Dan provides a simple to understand and fun to implement system that motivates teams to get started with achievement and avoid the pitfalls of people and culture leadership. Speaker: Dan Irvin Read more

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