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Recorded: June 2021 Career Roadmap: Foundation, Generalist/Specialist It’s about time to Harness Your YOU-Ness to elevate your communication style and executive presence. This webinar shares techniques and methods to positively impact how you show up, engage, communicate and lead, whether in-person or virtually. Tips and tools center on ways to: Raise your energy level and shift your mindset in less than five minutes. Let go of negative patterns holding you back to get your message across more clearly. Gain clarity and prioritize your to-do list to align with business goals.   Create a change plan that centers on being present and engaging others virtually. Participants will know how to: Raise their energy level and shift their mindset in less than five minutes.  Identify and let go of negative patterns holding them back, create a stop, start, continue list, and build their change plan framework. Elevate their communication style and executive presence in virtual meetings. Speaker: Mindy Kantor Read more

Recorded: July 2021 Career Roadmap: Foundation, Generalist/Specialist Public speaking gets a bad reputation. Not only is it listed as one of American's greatest fears, but it is also labeled as a "soft" skill. When we reframe public speaking as an opportunity to be seen and heard, and when we see it as a required art form in our personal and professional lives, we see monumental breakthroughs in both!  Three Session Takeaways:  Identify and manage speaking nerves  Recognize and use effective storytelling structures in professional settings Implement tangible strategies of effective delivery Speaker: Erik J. Dominguez, Speak Up Stories Read more

Recorded: February 2021 Career Roadmap: Strategic Adviser, Business Leader Communications students are learning during one of the most uncertain times in recent history. Without a doubt the COVID-19 pandemic has effected the way in which they learn, and perhaps even the curriculum taught in their classes. Join a panel of Communication professors and Communication student to learn about what they are thinking about today and how the current environment will affect their futures as Communication Professionals. Speakers:  Matt Tidwell, University of Kansas; Kelli Cargile Cook, Texas Tech University; Patrick Armstrong SCMP, Sydney Water Read more

Recorded: November 2021 Career Roadmap: Foundation, Generalist/Specialist, Strategic Adviser, Business Leader It's estimated that stress is responsible for 60-90% of doctor's visits and one million workers miss work each day because of stress, costing companies $602 per employee per year, according to the American Institute of Stress. It is imperative that we recognize that stress is not the problem - it's our reaction to our stress and we can learn to control it. Acquire cutting edge self-care techniques - affirmations, visualization, breathwork, mindfulness and mini-meditations - that you and your staff can do for better health. Master a mini meditation that anyone can do anytime. Learn how we can use visualization to improve our leadership and work performance outcomes. Additionally you’ll explore how our words and thoughts can make a difference in our daily lives. Also covered will be how we can incorporate all of our senses in daily mindfulness to decrease the stress response and gain control over our reactions, bringing us to greater peace and productivity. Attendees will walk away with an increased sense of control over stress, and practical tools that can be immediately put to use in their everyday lives.   Session Takeaways:  Recognize the emotional, physical and behavioral signs of stress. Examine current research on meditation, positive self-talk and visualization and how it can be incorporated into your workday.  Learn a simple technique, known as a mini-meditation, to stop the stress response in its tracks. Understand how you can use your daydreams to boost immune function and increase relaxation.  Discover how to incorporate mindfulness into your day even if you think you don’t have time.  Speaker: Kathy Gruver   Read more

Recorded: August 2021 Career Roadmap: Foundation, Generalist/Specialist, Strategic Advisor It’s pretty obvious to most of us that we have different aspects of our personalities that come out in different situations. We are different around our parents than we are our bosses. We have a different attitude and persona when dealing with children than we do dealing with our coworkers, or hopefully we do. What if we can examine these different states, get to know them and call them at will to help us achieve more and optimize our time and performance?  Using ego state theory we can identify the working aspects of our personality, name them and learn how to bring forward our best self for the situation at hand. Practical, easy and effective techniques to help you be the best you you can be.  Session Takeaways:  Learn what ego states are and how they are formed. Discover your ego states and how to map them for optimal execution. Gain practical knowledge of techniques that will bring different states in to the executive to handle the task at hand.  Explore anchoring techniques to guarantee the right aspect for the job is available to you.  Speaker: Kathy Gruver Read more

Recorded: August 2021 Career Roadmap: Foundation, Generalist/Specialist In 2021, we have access to countless technological tools to deliver messages to our clients, customers, and communities, But this hasn’t helped our ability to connect with them on a deeper level. For many small to medium-sized brands, having so many tools and platforms has created more problems. They struggle to keep up with new media. They’re overwhelmed with all the options and don’t know where to spend their time or money. They find themselves spinning in circles, neglecting a long-term strategy and losing that valuable connection with their audience. Since the beginning of humanity, one thing has been consistently used to build trust among people: storytelling. We used to tell stories around the campfire to strengthen our communities and now we tell them to grow our audiences, sell our products, and raise awareness for our causes. Storytelling is a proven science that evokes empathy, creates trust between seller and buyer, and inspires people to take action. If you use technology to tell stories so that your customers will feel a part of them and want to share them with the world, you will create loyal, long-term relationships with your communities, no matter what tools you use. Three Session Takeaways:  How to use digital storytelling techniques to craft stories that create empathy and move audiences to action in just seconds! How to hack human psychology to make your stories more memorable. When and where to share your stories for optimal return. Speaker: Rain Bennett, Six Second Stories Read more

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