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Included in this bundle... Virtual Media Briefings: The Press Conference is Reborn Speaker: Ginger Plumbo, Mayo Clinic Besieged with media requests regarding COVID-19, the surge, and vaccines, the Mayo Clinic media relations team began offering virtual media briefings a couple times per week starting in September. These briefings quickly became an effective and efficient way of using experts’ time and satisfying numerous media requests simultaneously. In the age of COVID-19, the press conference was reborn.  The Power of Play in Virtual Meetings Speaker: Caelan Huntress, Speaker, Author, Entrepreneur The present moment is what makes a live presentation matter. If you send a prerecorded video to someone, they can ignore you in favor of a thousand other things competing for their attention. But if you invite someone to play with you, collaboratively, right now in the present moment, you can make them forget every other distraction. Live Streaming: Communication in Real Time Across Multiple Channels Speaker: Shel Holtz, Director, Internal Communications, Webcor The hottest communication technology trend is live streaming. It is easier than ever to broadcast live simultaneously to multiple channels, including Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube.  While the World Wide Web introduced the ability to make on-demand content available to a vast audience, there are huge benefits to live streaming. What the History of Livestream Opera Can Teach Us About Zoom Calls (and Other Lessons About Virtual Connection) Speaker: Chris Graham, Principal, TellPeople Drawing upon the history of livestream opera (popularized by New York’s Metropolitan Opera), the history of the cubicle, and best practices from successful remote work environments, the session teaches participants how to make optimum use of virtual communication tools in the short term, and how to effectively integrate these tools into their work in the long term (after COVID subsides).  Breaking Through Zoom Fatigue to Create Engaging and Meaningful Meetings and Events Speaker: Jenifer Bice, Senior Director - Event Solutions, Walmart Do you have enough TIME? Do your audiences? Are you making your content relevant in these days of Zoom fatigue to capture that precious TIME? We’ve all made the shift to virtual over the past year +, and in this session you’ll learn from Walmart, the world’s largest company, about why it was named one of the 10 most innovative brands in events in 2020. A New and Virtual World (2020 World Conference) Welcome to the new world. From AI to digital PR to trending new media, this package helps navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape with ease. Learn from subject matter experts on adapting to AI, optimizing podcasts as a strategic communication vehicle, building virtual events, navigating top trends in tech, and leveraging video. Immersive Communication, The Third Dimension to Digital Employee Experience Speakers: Monique Zytnik, Senior Communication Advisor, Open Communication; Andreas Ringsted, Chief Digital Officer, Open Communication New technology is exciting, but are we losing sight of the human aspect of what we’re trying to achieve? Through global and regional case studies, Monique and Andreas will show you how immersive communication supports a rich employee experience for the disperse workforce.  Speaking Virtually? Remember the Triangle! Speaker: Anand Tamboli, Principal, Anand Tamboli & Co For any professional relying on communication getting the message across is the key. Yet, most people make a mistake by assuming that content is the king. Zoom fatigue is not a real thing; it's a symptom. It happens when we forget three key ingredients of any effective communication. The Art of Engagement and Connection in Our Virtual Communication Speaker: Cecilia Lui, Founder & Director, ILIA Connect In the era that is Covid-19, everyone has been pushed to the virtual space for their professional, personal and social needs.  Yet, engagement has been a top challenge reported for virtual communication throughout the pandemic.  Water Coolers and Weak Ties: Keeping Informal Networks Alive in a Virtual World Speaker: Diana Hong, Managing Director, CRA, Inc. What the research and our experiences show is that during virtual work, our networks narrow down - our strong ties get stronger and our weak ties get weaker. Even within a team, we find that our day to day fills from more meetings with those whom we closely collaborate with and little to no interaction with others we used to see in hallways, break rooms, cafeterias, near the printer or coffee machine. Create Compelling Presentations for Virtual Meetings Using PowerPoint Speaker: Richard Goring, Director, BrightCarbon Remote meetings are here to stay, as is the Zoom fatigue that many experience. The importance of compelling content is becoming ever more apparent, but trying to do that with the same tools you’ve always had can be hard, right?  Inclusive Virtual Experiences in a Post-COVID World Speaker: Anthony DeVergillo, Internal Digital Communications Associate, Amicus Therapeutics In 2020 the world was forced to transition from in-person events to fully virtual experiences. This transition started off slow with many unknowns, but over time we adapted and learned what worked best in order for engagement and participation to flourish.  Virtual Debate: Should CEOs Speak Out on Social Issues? According to the 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer, when considering a job, 60% of employees want their CEO to speak out on controversial issues they care about. Should CEOs use their business leadership position to take a stand by speaking out on important social issues? Read more

Included in this bundle... The Communicator's Role in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Speakers: Tasneem Chopra, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Consultant; Neil Griffiths, ERM As individuals and organizations grapple with how to lead on diversity, equity and inclusion (DE​&​I), communication professionals are looking for guidance on their role in this critical issue. Join IABC Fellow Neil Griffiths and Tasneem Chopra, Diversity, Equity ​&​ Inclusion Strategist, for a fireside chat to learn where you fit in. All > Some: The Importance of Accessible Content in Communications Speaker: Matisse Hamel-Nelis, Project Manager, Inclusive Workplaces, Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) Imagine if your business could reach millions of potential clients your competitors are missing, just by changing your outlook on the world? Fifteen percent of the population lives with some form of disability (sensory, motor, neurological or other). The UN calls them the world’s largest minority.  You’ve no doubt heard of companies being sued for inaccessible websites, but what about social media content? Or annual reports, strategic plans, podcasts and videos?  These are just some of the projects we work on as communicators, but how often do you think about accessibility when you're creating a post, producing a video, or sharing a PDF?   It's About Time For...A Leader Like Me Speakers: Priya Bates, Co-founder, A Leader Like Me & Advita Patel, Director, CommsRebel 2020 highlighted both challenges and opportunities for diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. Starting with protests and performative gestures, individuals and organizations started asking for performance and proof of true change personally and professionally.  A Leader Like Me, with its roots in a connection that started at the 2019 IABC World Conference in Vancouver has evolved into a business launched during pandemic supporting women of colour and amplifying diverse voices around the globe.   In this session, we'll discuss: - The impact when employees and customers can't see A Leader Like Me in their organizations - How to manage imposter syndrome and build confidence through community  - How to turn awareness into action when it comes to diversity, inclusion, equity and belonging - The important role of communication professionals and the profession itself in supporting and driving change  Individually and collectively, it's about time we drive needed change. Telling Your DE&I Story: The Secret Ingredient for Success Speaker: Neil Griffiths, Global Head of Diversity, Equality & Inclusion, Environmental Resources Management There is no doubt that diversity, equ(al)ity and inclusion has been a huge part of the discourse in organizations around the world like never before. Most were caught unawares by the events of 2020 and had to race to keep up with the pace of change. There is now enough water under the bridge to know what works and what is less effective. In this session, we will explore the key principles of great DE&I communication, drawing on the lessons of the past year and the organizations who got it right (and those who did not). Expectations on organizations have never been higher, so crafting the right DE&I story is essential. It's about time we focus on what makes authentic, compelling and strategic communication on diversity, equ(al)ity and inclusion. Inclusive Virtual Experiences in a Post-COVID World Speaker: Anthony DeVergillo, Internal Digital Communications Associate, Amicus Therapeutics In 2020 the world was forced to transition from in-person events to fully virtual experiences. This transition started off slow with many unknowns, but over time we adapted and learned what worked best in order for engagement and participation to flourish. In this session you will learn why the virtual side of events should continue even after the pandemic ends, along with virtual best practices and techniques to be as inclusive as possible. You will have the opportunity to hear stories and personal experiences that highlight the importance of inclusive events and be provided with real-life examples of the beneficial impact it has on participants. I guarantee there are people who want to share their unique perspective at your events, but they cannot physically attend due to medical or transportation issues. So isn’t it about time you bring the world to your events AND bring your events to the world?   Read more

Included in this bundle... How to Make Remote Work Productive and Engaging Speaker: Tyler Lessard, Vidyard Remote work comes with a few benefits, but it also comes with serious challenges related to personal productivity, team collaboration, employee engagement and the health and wellness of our colleagues. Gone unchecked, it can lead to low morale, lack of productivity and impacted performance. But never fear, Tyler is here to help you turn this challenge into an opportunity for change! Join the video communications expert, Tyler Lessard, to discuss the real challenges your employees now face and how to overcome them. Learn about top tools for personal productivity, how to help your employees embrace video-based communications and how to avoid Zoom fatigue by rethinking how your teams communicate and collaborate in a remote working world. How to Put a Culture of Care and Well-Being at the Heart of Employee Experience with ASPCA Speaker: Christine Kitson, ASPCA Creating an Employee-Centric Experience: What Can We Learn from the Most Forward-Thinking Organizations Speakers: Lindsey Sanford & Matt Frost, Palo Alto Networks Last year, Palo Alto Networks, Box, Splunk, Uber and Zoom announced the launch of the FLEXWORK coalition – a platform where business leaders come together to ideate, share insights and reflect on how to accelerate the development of a new employee-centric work experience. In this webinar, Lindsey Sanford, Chief of Staff, People Team at Palo Alto Networks, and Matt Frost, Organizational Wellbeing Director at Gallagher, will discuss the learnings to date.  What are the biggest opportunities and challenges that have emerged from talking to hundreds of HR and communication leaders over the past few months?  As the world returns to ‘normal’, how can we capitalise on those essential lockdown learnings to help leaders think differently about the way they manage their teams?  What ideas have been trialled – and what are the outcomes? Stop Waiting - Help Your Team ACHIEVE Now! Speaker: Dan Irvin The mark of a true leader is someone who is determined to help future leaders get to where they need to be faster. They provide clarity and space for their team members to thrive – not just sometime down the road, but NOW. This workshop is ideal for leaders or managers who are working with future leaders. Dan provides a simple to understand and fun to implement system that motivates teams to get started with achievement and avoid the pitfalls of people and culture leadership. Increasing Employee Engagement in 2021: 5 Opportunities to Succeed Speakers: Peter Mallozi, Principal Value Consultant, Staffbase; Jeff Corbin, Senior Strategic Advisor, Internal Communications Consulting, Staffbase The COVID-19 pandemic brought the strategic value of the internal communication profession to the forefront, as all eyes were on comms for crisis management and information on the new normal of the workplace. How can you continue to maintain this influence in the new year? Data may prove to be your secret weapon. Join Ragan and Jeff Corbin, Senior Strategic Advisor, Internal Communications Consulting, Staffbase, for a look at the company’s recently published data trends report about the workplace, and what communication professionals can learn from how employees engage with the communications they receive. It's All About Employee Experience Speaker: Drew Munn, Future Impact Advisor, Gallagher Millions of dollars are invested each year by e-commerce firms into making it easier for people to get to what they need: from the age-old practice of SEO to cutting-edge trends like integrating their functionality into messaging apps. With this high-impact, low-effort experience becoming the de facto standard for how we interact with our customers, why don't we put the same effort into engaging our employees? By shifting the way we think about our channels and messages, there’s nothing stopping us from harnessing the power of the customer experience market to super-charge the experience we offer employees. Complex intranets and boring corporate mailshots have had their day, but new tools need new strategies if we're going to make the most of them. It's time to review our digital communication landscape: to make sure we're making the most of what's available today, and that we're ready for whatever's around the corner. Shaping and Influencing Culture in a Remote Work Environment Speaker: Leslie Krohn, Chief Communications Officer/Director of Communications & Public Affairs, Argonne National Laboratory Working remotely is not a new concept, but now so many companies and organizations are making it a permanent work solution. While this is a welcomed shift for people who are use to conducting business online, it can be challenging for communicators who focus on shaping culture, especially when that type of work was usually for employees who everyday reported into a work location. Leslie's presentation will focus on ITS ABOUT TIME TO RETHINK how to change and influence culture in a remote environment. What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Miserable - Shift Stress to Advantage Your Teams and Your Clients Presented by: Deborah Gilboa, Family Physician & Resilience Expert, Ask Doctor G The developed world is terrified of stress. For decades we've accepted this narrative: struggle magically makes organizations, teams and individuals stronger; while simultaneously fearing the negative effects of every situation that makes us uncomfortable. Leaders do what they can to reduce and avoid stress for their teams, and teams work to prove to others that their service or product will eliminate stress in order to prove their worth. It's about time to look at the science of strength and success, and confront the fallacies behind the belief that stress is the enemy. Deborah Gilboa, MD (Dr. G), a board certified Family Physician and Resilience Expert, will demonstrate the usefulness of stress to build mental health, the value of addressing change with openness rather than fear, and the strategies to get teams and customers on board. Struggle doesn't make us stronger, but our mental fitness in the face of change can. Developing and Managing Highly Effective Teams Speaker: Eileen Chadnick, ABC, PCC Developing and Managing Highly Effective Teams introduces emerging leaders to some crucial must-knows and must do’s as a new leader. Learn about: the shift from the old paradigm of managing to a more collaborative and integrated leadership approach; the distinctions between ‘managing’ and ‘leading’ mindsets and behaviors; various conversation strategies to connect with your team; leading with a strengths-oriented approach; and team-building strategies to take your people to higher levels of engagement, performance and overall team efficacy. Ideal for emerging and aspiring leaders as well as more experienced leaders who want to hone their leadership efficacy further. The Art of Engagement and Connection in our Virtual Communication Speaker: Cecilia Lui, Founder & Director, ILIA Connect In the era that is Covid-19, everyone has been pushed to the virtual space for their professional, personal and social needs.  Yet, engagement has been a top challenge reported for virtual communication throughout the pandemic. Whether we are part of the work-from-home culture with a daily need to show up for meetings and presentations, or that we crave social connections and regularly attend networking events, adapting our skills and optimizing our ability to communicate with equal or more effectiveness in the virtual world has become a critical skill we need to master.  In this session, we will learn the elements that help elevate our ability to step up and show up in the virtual world.  The speaker shares how her communications and cross-cultural work complements each other in helping us gain visibility and create impact in our virtual communication. Water Coolers and Weak Ties: Keeping Informal Networks Alive in a Virtual World Speaker: Diana Hong, Managing Director, CRA, Inc. What the research and our experiences show is that during virtual work, our networks narrow down - our strong ties get stronger and our weak ties get weaker. Even within a team, we find that our day to day fills from more meetings with those whom we closely collaborate with and little to no interaction with others we used to see in hallways, break rooms, cafeterias, near the printer or coffee machine. But research also shows creativity and career opportunities come from casual collisions - from the expanded network beyond immediate connections or people you know in passing. So how do we reconcile this? We're in an era of work that means it's about time to better leverage hybrid or fully remote work environments. In this session, we'll cover pointers from academia, real-life examples, and suggestions for organizational communications leaders through presentation, exercises, breakout sessions, and live polling. Read more

This set of Master Class sessions builds on your learning in the first set of master classes. These sessions will be hands-on, full of examples and opportunities to practice AI skills that you can apply immediately in the workplace. The mix of lecture to hands-on practice/group discussion will be 30-70. That means you’ll leave feeling confident that you can apply the skills you’ve learned immediately in your work. In these three master classes, you’ll learn about how to integrate AI into your workflow, use AI to measure the value you are creating, and use AI to transform your practice into a data-driven, experiment-informed powerhouse.   Read more

This 3-part advanced webinar series, led by Dr. Lilian Ajayi-Ore, Ed.D, Lecturer and Research Scholar at Columbia University, is designed for seasoned professionals aiming to excel in digital communication. An award-winning Chief Learning Officer, Data Scientist, and Marketing Executive with over 17 years of experience, Dr. Ajayi-Ore has collaborated with Fortune 100 and 500 companies, driving business growth through innovative digital strategies. In this interactive series, she will guide participants through cutting-edge digital communication techniques, audience engagement strategies, organizational digital transformation, and sophisticated performance measurement tools. Central to the course are The Hawke Method and Uses and Gratifications Theory (UGT), both of which will be integrated with broader concepts in digital strategy and transformation to create a well-rounded learning experience. Upon completion, participants will earn a certificate and leave with actionable insights for immediate implementation. Session Objectives: By the end of the webinar series, participants will be able to: Develop advanced digital communication strategies, balancing insights from The Hawke Method and UGT to address diverse audience needs. Leverage theoretical frameworks and data-driven techniques to optimize digital communication efforts across various media channels. Apply organizational transformation strategies to ensure digital adoption, considering both user-centric approaches (UGT) and marketing principles (Hawke Method). Utilize performance measurement tools to evaluate campaign success and inform ongoing digital strategies.   Pre-work: Participants are required to the assigned readings ahead of each sessions. Huberman, E. (2022). The Hawke method: The three principles of marketing that made over 3,000 brands soar. Morgan James Publishing. Required Reading: Chapters 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15. (Focus: Marketing funnel, audience engagement, nurturing, performance measurement, and selecting the right advertising channels.) Katz, E., Blumler, J. G., & Gurevitch, M. (1973). Uses and gratifications research. The Public Opinion Quarterly, 37(4), 509-523. (Focus: Understanding the audience’s active role in media consumption and applying UGT to meet specific digital communication needs like entertainment, social integration, and information seeking.) Read more

Join us for an exclusive webinar where Lisa Capra, Product Marketing Manager at LumApps, will showcase how LumApps can revolutionize your Google Workspace with the advanced capabilities of Google Vertex AI. Discover the seamless integration that transforms your internal communications, enabling you to craft a unified narrative that significantly enhances employee engagement, fosters seamless collaboration, and drives substantial productivity gains. Recognized as a leader by Gartner and Forrester, LumApps is not merely a tool but a catalyst for modern business innovation. Don't let this opportunity pass by—see firsthand how LumApps can elevate your organization to new heights. Read more

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