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Speaker: Cindy Crescenzo It IS about time! We've finally got a seat at the table, and we've got to keep it!   But, that's not going to happen if all we're reporting are clicks and views. We need to know how to ask the right questions and use the right tools to report the single most important measure in communications: behavior. This session will bring the latest communication measurement best-practices to life through case studies and proven strategies and show you how to measure beyond metrics. You'll learn how to: Listen to employees and get their insights -- no matter where they are currently working. Build your survey questions so that they help you to measure behaviors. Use all the latest tools at your disposal to constantly keep an ear to your audience. Create a measurement dashboard that helps you tell your story and prove your worth. Read more

Speaker: Anand Tamboli, Principal, Anand Tamboli & Co For any professional relying on communication getting the message across is the key. Yet, most people make a mistake by assuming that content is the king. Zoom fatigue is not a real thing; it's a symptom. It happens when we forget three key ingredients of any effective communication. It's about time we started paying attention to all three. The first ingredient is, of course, content. The other two? Come and join Anand as he unravels the other two. While uttering circa 3000 words during the session, he will deliver a message worth 6000 words in a virtual session. Once you get the message, you will always remember the triangle while speaking, virtually or otherwise. And it is not a hard thing to do. We have to be considerate about this important trio and then act on it.  Wondering how? See it to believe it! Read more

Speaker: Laura McHale, Leadership Psychologist, Conduit Consultants Limited It's about time that we upped our game, transforming the practice and delivery of corporate communications using neuroscience. Join business psychologist, Dr. Laura McHale, in this sampler seminar based on her forthcoming book Neuroscience for Organizational Communication (to be published by Palgrave Macmillan in late 2021). We'll explore how powerful insights from neuroscience can help take corporate communications to the next level, position communications departments as powerful agents of cultural change, and unlock energy in modern organizations.  Upon completion, participants will be able to: Learn the basics of the neurobiology of communication Understand why many management practices (and MBA programs) get organizational communication wrong   Read more

View 10 of the most popular sessions from the 2020 Virtual World Conference and 1 of the impactful keynote presentations. (Package contains duplicative sessions from Conference Highlights) Session Inclusions: Employee Communications 3.0: How to be relevant five years from now PR Tech For Small Teams - From Apps to Artificial Intelligence Business Storytelling to SHIFT people to action. Network Communication and Leadership Workshop with Live Network Mapping End-user privacy is the Future: #AreYouReady? Navigating Next: How to Get Clear (So You Can Get Going) Communicating in a Global World What Ambitious Communicators can learn from Winston Churchill's False Teeth! No More Boxes - It is time to Change the Conversation All In The Mind – How Understanding Human Psychology Will Improve Your Internal Comms Keynote:  Trends Accelerated by COVID-19, Max Luthy Sessions appear in the order listed above but learners are encouraged to view sessions in their preferred sequence.    Read more

Speaker: Kristy Christie As the technology landscape changes and everything from departments to press conferences have gone online, PR & communication practitioners are looking for more immersive and enriching ways to enhance the impact of their messages. This session will share tools, apps, insights and trends that are influencing the field and cover how to bring personalised & bespoke experiences to our audiences - whether they be employees or clients.   Kristy will introduce a variety of innovative tools that can help you engage audiences in a time when being "zoomed out" is a very real problem. Learn: What apps, tools & trends are accelerating the transition into a dynamic digital experience About technological innovation that can increase engagement and productivity How these help us communicate better with diverse and distributed audiences   I'll demonstrate some of these so you can takeaway the practical know how, for use in your organisations. Read more

Speaker: Drew Munn, Future Impact Advisor, Gallagher Millions of dollars are invested each year by e-commerce firms into making it easier for people to get to what they need: from the age-old practice of SEO to cutting-edge trends like integrating their functionality into messaging apps. With this high-impact, low-effort experience becoming the de facto standard for how we interact with our customers, why don't we put the same effort into engaging our employees? By shifting the way we think about our channels and messages, there’s nothing stopping us from harnessing the power of the customer experience market to super-charge the experience we offer employees. Complex intranets and boring corporate mailshots have had their day, but new tools need new strategies if we're going to make the most of them. It's time to review our digital communication landscape: to make sure we're making the most of what's available today, and that we're ready for whatever's around the corner. Read more

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