Brand Reimagined: The DNA of Purpose-Driven Content

1 module


Erin Hlavacek

$0 - 59


Speaker: Maliha Aqeel, Director, Global Communications & Digital Channels, Fix Network World

Purpose-driven brands see more market share gains, grow their competitive advantage faster and achieve higher employee and customer satisfaction. A global study from Accenture found that consumers support companies whose brand purpose aligns with their beliefs and reject those that don’t. But how do consumers know what is the brand’s purpose? Content!  Marketing and Communication own the brand story; it’s about time they placed Purpose in the center of their content strategy. Each piece of content should articulate why the organization exists, what problems it is here to solve and how it creates deeper connections with consumers and the community through the work it does.   This session breaks down the DNA of purpose-driven brands with examples of how these brands use content to bring their Purpose to life. 


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate IABC Advance Completion Certificate

Learning Credits

Brand Reimagined: The DNA of Purpose-Driven Content
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Added about 1 year ago, by Elise

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