You're Worth It. Prove It! Move Beyond Metrics and Measure what's Most Important: Behavior.

1 module


Erin Hlavacek

$0 - 59


Speaker: Cindy Crescenzo

It IS about time! We've finally got a seat at the table, and we've got to keep it!   But, that's not going to happen if all we're reporting are clicks and views. We need to know how to ask the right questions and use the right tools to report the single most important measure in communications: behavior. This session will bring the latest communication measurement best-practices to life through case studies and proven strategies and show you how to measure beyond metrics. You'll learn how to:

  • Listen to employees and get their insights -- no matter where they are currently working.
  • Build your survey questions so that they help you to measure behaviors.
  • Use all the latest tools at your disposal to constantly keep an ear to your audience.
  • Create a measurement dashboard that helps you tell your story and prove your worth.


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate IABC Advance Completion Certificate

Learning Credits

You're Worth It. Prove It! Move Beyond Metrics and Measure what's Most Important: Behavior.
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Added 4 months ago, by Lindsay

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